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Regrow A Receding Hairline: Here Are 9 Expert Tips

Hair loss is associated with a variety of emotions. It’s heartbreaking enough to see your thick, beautiful ponytail decrease into a smaller, less-voluminous version of itself. But witnessing your hairline gradually recede and sneak back one millimeter at a time is a completely new type of agony. Because sparse margins may damage your hairdo and undermine your confidence, we’re looking at ways to restore a receding hairline.

To get the inside scoop, we spoke with a number of professionals, including celebrity hairdresser Cervando Maldonado, Dr. Christine Shaver of Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration in New York City, and BosleyMD certified trichologist Gretchen Friese.

“A receding hairline can regenerate,” adds Maldonado, “but every circumstance is different and some may have a more difficult time doing so.” Anything is achievable with expert hair-growing advice, persistence, and a willingness to try. Here are nine techniques to regaining a broader hairline.

The following steps are meant to fix a thin hairline produced by inadequate maintenance or severe damage. Thinning caused by pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, or a medication change might result in transitory alterations. In certain circumstances, women’s hairlines will reappear after their hormones return to normal. Talk to your doctor if you suspect a medical explanation for a receding hairline or general hair thinning, since there may be an underlying disease that has to be treated.

Determine the source of the problem

The first step is to discover the cause of the hairline recession. “”Androgenetic alopecia (genetic thinning), traction alopecia caused by long-term tight hairstyles, inflammatory alopecia (of which the main types are lichen planopilaris (LPP) and Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA)), and alopecia areata (a type of autoimmune hair loss where hair follicles are mistakenly attacked by the body’s immune cells) are all causes of hairline

In order to diagnose the reason of hair loss, a dermatologist must do a complete history and examination.”

“Hereditary features and hormonal fluctuations can both naturally produce a receding hairline, but they can typically be addressed by your doctor,” Maldonado notes. If you see your mother or other family members have thin and receding hairlines, a dermatologist may be the solution.

If you’ve recently given birth, the good news is that you may simply be in a waiting game. “Most women lose hair around their hairline six to nine months after delivering a kid,” says Maldonado. While it is typical, there is no disputing that it is something you should address. “One approach is to continue taking your prenatal vitamins even after having birth to help maintain the hair thicker and delay hair fall-out.”

Take your semi-permanent hair extensions out.

A receding hairline can also be caused by constant tugging and weighing down of your strands. According to Maldonado, “glue-in and tape-in extensions applied too close to the hairline” might be a major cause of recession. “I normally don’t allow my customers have extensions close to the front of the head since it’s a sensitive location and might cause irreversible hair loss if not cared for correctly.”

Try experimenting with clip-in styles if you like the fuller, longer look of hair extensions. You’ll achieve the fuller appearance you desire, but with far more control.

Wear extensions further back and at the top of your head to give your hairline a respite, but remember to remove them and relax your scalp in between treatments and when sleeping.

Relax your hairstyles

Maybe you don’t have hair extensions, but have you thought about the breakage your ponytail is causing? While Ariana Grande’s incredibly tight high ponytail looks great, the damage and stress this up-do exerts on your scalp is genuine. “Traction hair loss must be handled by discontinuing the chronic hairstyles that are producing thinning,” Shaver adds. To relieve strain, try relaxing the ponytail or avoiding the appearance entirely.

Try getting regular scalp massages.

While some choices, like as visiting a dermatologist, may be costly and need a professional, there is one method of regrowth that you can perform yourself and will not cost you anything. “In most situations, repeated scalp massages can encourage new hair development,” adds Cervando.

Although the hair that grows back will be “not be particularly thick,” scalp massages may help “lightly fill up the region.” He does, however, emphasize that it will not work in every scenario (remember, everyone is different), but it is worth a go. “Massaging the scalp near the hairline will enhance circulation and foster hair growth,” says Friese.

When massaging your head, simply use the pads of your fingers; do not rake your fingernails over this delicate area. Every day, move your fingers in a soft, circular rhythm for a few minutes. Avoid pressing down too hard on your hairline, as this might hinder development.

Use Nourishing Oils on Your Scalp

The use of healthy items while massaging your scalp might help with the renewal process. Just avoid any that are known for blocking pores, including as petroleum-based products. “I enjoy tea tree oil because it unclogs hair follicles and nourishes your roots,” Maldonado explains.

If you’re searching for a do-it-yourself hair-growth therapy, he suggests “Combine a few drops of tea tree oil with any carrier oil, such as coconut, jojoba, or almond oil. Massage the mixture into your scalp, then thoroughly rinse.” Your hair will feel noticeably softer, and your roots will be well nourished and prepared for future growth.

Consider PRP Treatments

PRP is a non-invasive injectable therapy that uses a patient’s own blood as a source of growth factors. Your blood sample is taken and then spun for 10 minutes in a centrifuge. The tube is quickly spun while it is in there to separate the plasma from the red blood cells.

The platelet-rich plasma is contained in the separated plasma, which is subsequently injected or micro-needled into the scalp. This helps to promote hair growth. The therapy is expensive ($400 or more each session), but it is effective.

Hair Transplantation

Have you ever considered getting your hair transplanted? It is, after all, a genuine thing. Friese explains, “Because hair follicles are living organs, they may be transferred from one place of the body to another.” “Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that takes hair follicles from one area of the body, known as the ‘donor site,’ and transplants them to a bald or balding region of the body, known as the’recipient site.’ The procedure is typically used to treat male pattern baldness, but it can also be used to fill in scar tissue and other locations where hair is thinning or missing.”

Shaver claims, “Hair transplants can be quite beneficial for ladies with thinned hairlines and a healthy donor supply of hair in the back and sides of their scalp that is not thinning. This can make a significant change in volume and has several aesthetic benefits.

However, not all women are good candidates since many thin diffusely throughout their scalp and hence lack a significant donor supply of hair.” Consult your dermatologist if you believe this is the best option for you.

Utilize Supplements

You know the saying “you are what you eat?” External changes might result from your food and the vitamins you take, which affect interior changes such as hormones. Maldonado suggests taking over-the-counter vitamins.

“After roughly three months of using hair-regrowth pills, you will see a difference in your hairline.” “But remember, this difference is more of a filler and helps strengthen the hair, as well as make it grow faster,” he says.

“The best approach to regenerate it is by taking vitamins or a special prescription given by your doctor,” he explains, if you’re hoping for dramatic improvements in the thickness of your hairline. For extra vitamins, Madonado recommends Nutroful ($34) and Viviscal ($34), both of which are natural daily supplements.

Keep a Healthy Diet

Whether or whether you see changes in your hair, a daily multivitamin should be part of your routine, as should a nutritious diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and lots of water.

According to Shaver, “If there is an underlying vitamin deficiency, it is critical that it be rectified because this is a rare cause of hair loss. Iron deficiency, on the other hand, is a common cause of hair loss in women, particularly those who menstruate frequently or who are vegetarians “Shaver explains.