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How Much Hair Loss Is Considered Normal?

A certain degree of hair loss is natural in both men and women. A person loses between 50 and 100 hairs every day on average.

Hair sheds as part of its normal cycle, so seeing hairs in the shower or on a hairbrush is typically not reason for alarm.

However, if a person finds significant pieces of hair falling out or bald places, he or she should consult a doctor or dermatologist. This excessive shedding might be the result of stress or another health concern.

It is critical to understand that shedding is not the same as permanent hair loss. Following the resolution of the underlying problem, the hair should return to its original thickness. This article will tell you how much hair loss is typical.

The number of hairs

Every day, hair falls out as part of the body’s normal regeneration cycle. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is typical for a person to lose 50-100 hairs every day.

Before the hair comes out, each hair follicle goes through a cycle that comprises a growth stage (anagen) and a resting stage (telogen). This cycle will continue as long as the hair follicle is alive and producing new hairs.

The average healthy person has between 80,000 and 120,000 hairs on their head. According to the authors of a 2017 study, up to 9% of hair follicles are in the resting stage at any given moment, which suggests they are ready for the strand to fall out.

People with shorter hair may not notice much shedding, however, those with longer hair may detect hairs in the shower drain, on hairbrushes, and on clothing.

People who style their hair may lose more of it as well. According to a 2018 study, nearly 40% of women report significant hair loss when styling their hair, including brushing.

According to the authors of a more recent 2019 study, 40 percent of women suffer significant hair losing after washing their hair.

Chemical colors, hot curlers, straighteners, and frequent hair brushing can all contribute to increased hair loss or breakage.

Anyone who notices a substantial difference in the volume of hair they lose should consult a doctor or dermatologist to assist detect any problems.

Hair shedding when brushing

Many people who use a hairbrush to style their hair may be concerned when they notice all of the residual hairs in the brush.

Brushing the hair, on the other hand, normally only removes and gathers hairs that have already fallen from their follicles that day. Although seeing this all at once in the hairbrush might be unnerving, it is typical in modest amounts.

Excessive brushing may cause other problems with the hair, such as breakage, in rare circumstances. Brushing too hard might damage or shatter the hairs.

If you see shorter or broken hairs in your brush, consult a dermatologist about more natural hair care choices or ways to thicken your hair.

Hair shedding when washing

Washing your hair also gathers many of the hairs that have already fallen out of your head.

Some shampoo components might be toxic, causing breakage or accelerated hair loss. Anyone who detects an increase in the amount of hair they wash out in the shower may want to discontinue use and switch to a softer recipe.

If the rise is significant, it is preferable to consult a doctor or dermatologist.

Excessive hair loss causes

Anyone who loses more than 100 hairs per day or notices huge clumps of hair falling out may be suffering from excessive hair loss.

Hair shedding is not the same as permanent hair loss, which causes hair thinning or a receding hairline. Shedding hair causes new hair to develop in the hair follicle. Hair loss happens when the hair follicle ceases to produce hair.

A brief period of increased hair loss may occur as a result of stressful events or substantial changes in the body, such as:

  • altering or discontinuing birth control tablets
  • shedding a lot of weight
  • getting over a feverish illness recuperating from an illness recovering from an operation losing a loved one going through a major life transition, such as a divorce or job loss

Excessive shedding should stop when the body readjusts in the months following a stressful event. The hair should come recover to normal thickness and fullness after 6-9 months.

The Bottom Line

The average person loses 50-100 hairs every day, and this number may naturally grow as the person matures.

A stressful incident or a serious disease might cause a person to shed more hair than usual. In most situations, hair loss returns to normal after a few months.

Anyone who feels they are losing a lot more hair than usual should consult their doctor to establish the underlying problem.