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Best Essential Oils For Your Curly Hair Care

As a lady with a full head of curly, curly hair, taming the big beast that rests atop my head has been a labor of love. If there’s a method for curly hair out there, believe me when I say I’ve probably tried it.

I was continually hunting for magic lotions and gels to get my curls hair appear like the curly, Yara Shahidi-style mane of my fantasies. Curly hair is extremely sensitive, with the individual bends of the hair shaft marking the most delicate section of the strand.

Curly hair is often drier since your body’s natural oils fail to soak the entire strand evenly. As a consequence, keeping your hair hydrated with oils is essential. This is where essential oils come into play.

Essential oils are excellent for scalp support, which is essential for curly hair. Most curly-haired people don’t wash their hair as frequently as those with straighter textures, which might cause scalp issues.

By massaging an essential oil and a carrier oil into the scalp, scalp health is maintained and enhanced, which is exactly what we all aim for.

Two trichologists were asked to propose the best essential oils for curly hair. Continue reading to find out what they decided.


  • Dr. Kari Williams, Ph.D., is a DevaCurl Expert Curl Council member and board-certified trichologist and licensed cosmetologist.
  • Kerry E. Yates is the creator of Colour Collective and a trichologist.

Rosemary Essential Oil

The same rosemary oil you use in your cooking.

Hair Advantages

“This oil is a potent hair growth stimulator with antioxidant and antibacterial qualities,” Williams explains. “Rosemary is also excellent for soothing and preventing dandruff problems.” Rosemary essential oil boosts circulation, making it ideal for hair loss prevention.

How to Apply?

Rosemary oil works well when used with shampoo or conditioner. When shampooing your hair, three to five drops of conditioner may go a long way.

It also works well as a scalp massage; mix it with your preferred carrier oil and massage it into your scalp for at least five minutes. Next, rinse it out (or leave it in, depending on your preference).

Rosemary leaf extract is a powerful antioxidant that preserves the skin and delays the effects of age. Its major component, rosmarinic acid, aids in the relief of skin disorders such as eczema and acne.

Remember that most essential oils should be diluted with a base oil before applying to the skin, since they might burn or create a significant response.

Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

Cananga odorata genuina oil is derived from the blossoms of the plant.

Hair Advantages

According to Yates, ylang-ylang oil contributes to the perfect scalp environment by feeding the follicle and promoting ultimate follicle health. It treats hair loss and damaged hair by activating the sebaceous glands and boosting sebum production. It’s also excellent for stimulating hair follicles, which promotes hair growth, improves texture, and reduces breakage and split ends.

How to Apply?

This oil is excellent for use as a hair mask or conditioning treatment. Combine five drops of ylang-ylang oil with a carrier oil, such as olive or coconut oil, and slowly warm it up—you don’t want it to be too hot, but warm enough to touch without burning your scalp.

Apply it to your hair, massage it in, and let it on for 30 minutes. Rinse and shampoo out, and your hair will feel restored and invigorated.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree oil is a powerful antifungal. “When applied to products, it may provide a great relaxing sensation and functions as an excellent cleansing agent,” Williams adds.

Hair Advantages

Tea tree oil is an excellent alternative for removing flakes from your hair. It promotes scalp and hair follicle stimulation while combating dandruff and flaking.

How to Apply?

Because tea tree oil is an essential oil, it must be combined with a carrier oil. Take a few drops of tea tree oil and combine it with a dollop of your preferred shampoo for a tingling and soothing effect.

Mix one to three drops of tea tree oil per teaspoon of carrier oil and apply it all over your hair as a hair growth booster, scalp massage, or mask.

Massage it into your scalp for 3-5 minutes before let it to remain for 10-15 minutes (or longer, if desired), then thoroughly rinse.