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Best Caring Tips For Long Hair

In this blog article, we reveal our top eight suggestions for caring for your lovely long locks…because we know how much care and TLC they require! Your hair will be far more likely to be stunningly strong and healthy if you follow these guidelines.

Even if you don’t have long hair or if it won’t grow above a particular length, these recommendations will still apply to you, so keep reading! (By the way, if you want to feel like you have long hair, check out these clip-in hair extensions, which will give you long, thick hair in 5 minutes – and you won’t have to wait years for it to grow out naturally!)

Best Caring Tips For Long Hair

1. Use the proper hair brush:

A damp brush or a boar bristle brush should be your greatest buddy! When you have long hair, it’s critical that your hair brush smooths the hair shaft to prevent breakage. Brushing using a natural fiber brush, such as boar bristle, helps to reduce friction.

As a result, the hair does not become entangled in any knots, keeping it smooth and silky without pulling out hair strands. The trusted wet brush also works well since the bristles flex around any knots, reducing stress on the hair.

Begin at the ends of your hair and work your way up, rather than top to bottom. This guarantees that no pressure is applied to the roots, hence reducing damage. Use a wide-tooth comb only while your hair is damp. Brushing when moist may be quite damaging since it stretches the strands rather than separating them.

2. Twice a week, use a thoroughly moisturizing treatment:

If you use heat to style your hair, you are well aware of the benefits of applying deep hydrating treatments to repair any lost moisture. The coconut honey hair mask is one of our favorite DIYs.

A similar effect may be obtained by using a vitamin E-rich oil, such as olive or avocado oil. To achieve the greatest effects, gently warm the oil in a skillet over low heat before applying it to your hair. After the fourth five minutes, wrap in a warm towel and wash out. The heated oil makes it easier to soak into the hair, increasing its effectiveness. Learn more about the finest 5 hair oils in this blog post!

3. Apply a heat protector:

It goes without saying that we should all use one, yet it’s such an easy-to-forget step that makes a big impact! A heat protectant covers the hair shaft, creating a protective barrier and guaranteeing your style is smooth and frizz-free.

We wrote a piece on the finest natural heat protectant oils you may use here. The article goes into depth about how heat protectors function and the benefits of utilizing various natural oils. Use those techniques to help yourself and your hair!

4. Use hair bands that do not tug on the hair at the root:

The scrunchy of the 1980s is back, and your hair couldn’t be happier! When you use a band like a scrunchy or a plastic coil type, your hair is not tugged at the root. This protects the hair from undue stress, keeping the strands healthy and robust. If you want to rock the scrunchy, put on some Madonna music!

5. Dry using a hair wrap or an old t-shirt instead of a towel:

It may appear overly simple, but individuals with curly hair are already aware of this time-tested approach. To remove extra moisture before heat styling, choose a smooth fabric such as cotton or linen rather than a waffle brushed cotton towel. This prevents the hair shaft from fraying when wrapped to dry. The strands are kept sleeker within the cloth, lowering the possibility of frizz or breakage. More information on how to get rid of frizzy hair may be found here.

6. When drying your hair, use a low-heat setting and direct the nozzle down, not sideways:

Overheating your hair with excessive blow-drying is one of the worst things you can do to it as a general rule. If you want to avoid dry and damaged hair, either limit how often you use a hairdryer or pay attention to how you use it, and use heat protection items beforehand.

Keep the dryer as far away from your hair as possible; ideally, keep the hairdryer nozzle two inches away from the strands. When you dry your hair from the side, it becomes frizzy because it is pushed all over the place. For the greatest results, position the nozzle straight down, about three inches away from the hair.

7. Make an effort not to over-wash your hair:

Because your hair’s natural oils are meant to nourish and preserve your locks, shampooing regularly removes these essential oils. It causes a vicious cycle of oil overproduction and the need to wash often. Ideally, you should only wash your hair two to three times each week to maintain it healthy.

Invest in a nice natural dry shampoo to help you get through till your next wash while also adding volume and texture. By the way, there are probably a few more things you didn’t realize you were doing wrong with your hair, which you can read about here.

8. Wash your hair correctly:

Hair that is healthy, gorgeous, and shining begins in the shower! First and foremost, how you wash your hair is critical. Do you smear a generous amount of shampoo into the ends of your hair? If you replied yes (like the vast majority of us), you should know that washing the scalp is the only way to go.

This is where the majority of the oil accumulation occurs, so gently massage the shampoo into the scalp with your fingertips (not your nails!) to remove it. Giving your scalp an energizing massage while shampooing is a fantastic technique to increase blood circulation and cleanse the scalp. Then, apply conditioner to replenish moisture down the length of your hair.

When rinsing, try to keep the water cold; blasting your scalp with overly hot water dries out your hair and causes tangles, which can lead to damage.

So there you have it, our lovely ladies with long hair. Long, beautiful hair requires commitment, patience, and care – but the benefits are well worth it!